Wednesday, November 6, 2013

That Time I Took Betsey Johnson To Dinner

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog entry for this important announcement...the weirdest thing just happened to me on the way home from work.  So I'm getting off the F train at 63rd and Lexington, and since I missed the light I had to walk down to 61st and cut over Lexington to get home, which means nothing to anyone reading this that doesn't live in NY or know what I'm talking about.  So I'm walking across the street and pass what looks like a stylish bag lady when I do a double take in the middle of the's Betsey Johnson!  I'm literally standing there reaching for my camera in my bag while Betsey is looking confused about where she's going, and she sits down on a bench in front of this shitty Italian restaurant my boyfriend and I almost went to once but left after the waiter brought us water because the menu wasn't that great, and is totally looking like a homeless lady.  I walked up and politely asked 'Excuse me, aren't you Betsey Johnson?' and told her how much I loved her reality show, which didn't get picked up for a second season.  She asked if I knew where Scalinatella was, and since it's on the corner where I live I told her I'd walk her there and we got into a wonderful conversation about the show and her fashion line and the last year of her life, which I saw bits and pieces of on TV and when we got to Scalinatella she gave me a big hug and thanked me for walking with her and told me to take a selfie because you really can't trust someone else with your camera and selfies are so much more fun, which is why I look like a psyho in this picture.  I hate selfies!

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