Monday, September 18, 2017

Who's Your Daddy?

Maury Povitch has been bringing daddies together with their illegitimate children since 1981. That's a lot of skanks serving vagina all around town!  If it wasn’t for Maury, many daddies wouldn’t even know they have children.  Plus, it's always nice for the mother to know who to sue for child support payments. Maury brings them all together. Simply beautiful.  Thanks Maury!

Monday, September 11, 2017

She's As Miserable As We Are Under A Trump Presidency

Me:  "Mrs. Trump, would you mind taking a picture?"

Her: "mumble, mumble mumble....On the way out."

Me: "I won't be here on the way out.  I have to go to work."  (lie - I took the day off)

Her: "Okay, hurry up."

Kevin takes selfie in which he looks like a gargoyle.

Her: "Don't post it."

She clearly doesn't know me.