Tuesday, October 26, 2010

James Franco @ Barnes & Noble - Pt. 3

At 8:00 on the dot, a lady comes out to introduce 'actor, director, film producer, screenwriter, painter, and now author James Franco.'  The door opens, the press photographers are on top of each other, each shouting 'James, over here, James' while flashbulbs go off in every direction.  He poses for the obligatory press pictures, then walks on stage sheepishly, seeming genuinely surprised that anyone would turn out for this event.  He's unshaven, comfortably, if not stylishly dressed, and looks tired, as if the promotion tour for this book is almost over, rather than just beginning.  Either that or he pulled a few too many all-nighters writing and hasn't caught up on sleep yet.  The queen in front of me is standing now, taking pictures with her telephoto lens even though the guy is not more than 20 feet from either of us, and I can't see a damn thing.  The only guy in the entire audience standing up, as if his clear view is being blocked by the person sitting down in front of him.  Rude!

He reads for what seems like forever, but in fact is only an hour.  Still longer than most authors when they make an appearance, but the stories are actually quite good.  I was going to give the book to a friend after I finished it, but I think I might just keep it.  When he's done reading and ready to start signing (and by now the audience is shuffling in their seats, ready for him to sign (except for the queen in front of me, who has been on grindr the whole time trying to get laid), the lady reminds us that 'Mr. Franco will not be personalizing, or signing any memorabilia other than the book, and there will be no posed photos.'  So basically this means get a good picture from the line, cause you're not gonna get one with him.  With the number of people that are there, I understand and respect that decision. 

The line moves quickly, except for the damn queen who bought 10 books and wants them all signed, probably so she can sell them on ebay later (bitch!), and as I get to the podium he's smiling, laughing and chatting with fans.  When it's my turn, he looks at me and I tell him 'I need to get a really good picture for a friend of mine' (thanks Ashleigh) and he flashes a smile and I've got my shot.  We shake hands, I thank him, and I'm outta there.

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