Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mrs. Huxtable Is A Racist and Other TV Land Tales

Fuck, it's been awhile since I've caught up on my photos!  I just discovered the first season of Soap on Netflix and I've been pretty absorbed, because that shit is amazing!  I'm at the point where Corinne learns she's adopted after Jessica is arrested for Peter's murder and Danny agrees to marry Elaine in order to leave the mob. 

Watching a ton of TV as a kid can be a complete mind fuck.  These people come into my living room every week.  I know their faces, I recognize their voices, and when they're with me all is right in the world.  Let's face it, the relationships I have with these TV shows are some of the longest relationships I've had with anything.  Ever.

So who would have guessed that Joey Tribiani is a chain smoker?  Not me, but there he was lighting up one cigarette after another while promoting something that wasn't Friends at Good Morning America.
And never in my wildest dreams would I guess Blossom would turn in her flower hat for hairy armpits and a neuroscience degree!
Or that Fez would go on to fuck Lindsay Lohan, Demi Lovato, Ashlee Simpson, Mandy Moore, Jennifer Love Hewitt AND Avril Lavigne.  But not all at once.
But I'm not surprised that Jason Seaver was as shitty a parent in real life (Robin Thicke) as he was on Growing Pains (Kirk Cameron)
or that Mary Jo Shively would be as sweet in 2014 as she was sassy in 1986.
Now if Mrs. Huxtable wasn't a racist I'd include a photo of her too, but Phylicia Rashad refused to pose for all but the one black fan, then waited outside Rockefeller Center WITH HER BACK TURNED TO US for five minutes waiting for her car.  Of course, she was once married to the lead singer of The Village People and I'm less interested in The Cosby Show than I am in Soap so the joke's on her.  Still, I bet Debbie Allen would have posed.

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