Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

When writing about Melissa McCarthy, the obvious thing to be snarky about is her weight.  If you've been reading my blog and appreciating my less than gentle tone, you'd expect me to make fat jokes at her expense, compare her to something big like a house or a blimp or a planet or something like that.  But Rex Reed has already called her 'tractor sized' and 'a female hippo', so that would be reductive (look it up).  Besides, on a day where the Supreme Court declared a 1996 law denying federal benefits to legally married same-sex couples unconstitutional, I'm not feeling so cunty.  Come back tomorrow, because I'm sure it's only temporary.

Anyway....Melissa McCarthy was at Good Morning America on Monday to promote The Heat, her new film with Sandra Bullock that I will probably watch on demand because I can't stand Sandra Bullock and don't feel like wasting $15 on a ticket when I can watch it in the comfort of my own home a few months from now for $4.99.  Just as you'd expect if you fell in love with her in Bridesmaids, Melissa is FABULOUS!  Smiling and waving to the crowd as she was escorted into Times Square, she looked genuinely happy to be there.  And the crowd smiled and waved back, as if they were all old friends of hers, thrilled to catch up after so much time, like some kind of hillbilly Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion set in the middle of Manhattan at 8:00 AM on live television.  From my vantage point, I had to reach waaay above a lady with the tallest hair I've ever seen, all teased out like Liz Taylor back in her eighties White Diamonds days and her husband with the obligatory baseball cap and fanny pack that's all the rage in the flyover states in order to get a shot of Melissa, which normally isn't a big deal except that I just came from the gym and my arms were still shaking from my workout like Michael J. Fox on a particularly bad day and I had a hard time holding the camera steady.
Melissa posed for a few photos with fans after the interview, and is actually much prettier in person than this picture would have you believe.  And before you get on my ass about the title of this post, it's the title of a Mika song, a disco-filed exhaltation to the delights of the larger ladies.

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